To a Mouse, on Turning Her Up in Her Nest with the Plough
Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie,
O, what a panic's in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty
Wi bickering brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee,
Wi' murdering pattle.
I'm truly sorry man's dominion
Has broken Nature's social union,
An' justifies that ill opinion
Which makes thee startle
At me, thy poor, earth born companion
An' fellow mortal!
I doubt na, whyles, but thou may thieve;
What then? poor beastie, thou maun live!
A daimen icker in a thrave
'S a sma' request;
I'll get a blessin wi' the lave,
An' never miss't.
Thy wee-bit housie, too, in ruin!
It's silly wa's the win's are strewin!
An' naething, now, to big a new ane,
O' foggage green!
An' bleak December's win's ensuin,
Baith snell an' keen!
Thou saw the fields laid bare an' waste,
An' weary winter comin fast,
An' cozie here, beneath the blast,
Thou thought to dwell,
Till crash! the cruel coulter past
Out thro' thy cell.
That wee bit heap o' leaves an' stibble,
Has cost thee monie a weary nibble!
Now thou's turned out, for a' thy trouble,
But house or hald,
To thole the winter's sleety dribble,
An' cranreuch cauld.
But Mousie, thou art no thy lane,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!
Still thou are blest, compared wi' me!
The present only toucheth thee:
But och! I backward cast my e'e,
On prospects drear!
An' forward, tho' I canna see,
I guess an' fear!
Robert Burns
To a Mouse, on Turning Her Up in Her Nest with the Plough
생쥐에게, 쟁기로 쥐굴을 파 찾아내며
Small, crafty, cowering, timorous little beast, 조그많고 교활한, 겁먹어 움츠러든 작은 짐승아
O, what a panic is in your little breast! 오, 네 작은 가슴을 채운 공포라니!
You need not start away so hasty 그리 급하게 도망칠 건 없잖아With argumentative chatter! 그렇게 정신없이 찍찍대면서!
I would be loath to run and chase you, 흉악한 쟁기 자루를 쥔 채
With murdering plough-staff. 널 잡으러 뛰어 다니긴 싫어
I'm truly sorry man's dominion 정말 미안해, 인간의 지배가
Has broken Nature's social union, 자연의 사회 결속을 해치고And justifies that ill opinion 나쁜 의견을 정당하게 만들어서
Which makes you startle 널 깜짝 놀라게 했다면
At me, your poor, earth born companion 나 때문에, 너 불쌍한, 대지에서 난 동료여,
And fellow mortal! 언젠가 같이 죽을 친구여!
I doubt not, sometimes, but you may steal; 그럴리 없지만 너도, 때때로, 훔치겠지
What then? Poor little beast, you must live! 뭐 어때? 불쌍한 작은 짐승, 너도 살아야지!
An odd ear in twenty-four sheaves 스물 네 단에서 한 톨 정도야
Is a small request; 조그만 요구잖아,
I will get a blessing with what is left, 남은 걸로도 난 축복받을 거야,
And never miss it. 더 손해볼 것도 없으니까.
Your small house, too, in ruin! 네 작은 집도 다 부서졌구나!
Its feeble walls the winds are scattering! 연약한 벽들은 바람에 다 날리고
And nothing now, to build a new one, 새로 지을 것도 하나 없이
Of coarse grass green! 변변찮은 새 풀도 없이!
And bleak December's winds coming, 황량한 12월 바람이 몰려오네
Both bitter and keen! 혹독하고 날카로운 바람!
You saw the fields laid bare and wasted, 남은 것 없이 다 사라져버린 들판이 보이고
And weary winter coming fast, 우울한 겨울은 성큼 다가오는데
And cozy here, beneath the blast, 돌풍 밑에서도 평온했으니
You thought to dwell, 너도 여기서 살자고 생각했겠지
Till crash! the cruel plough passed 무너지기 전까진! 잔인한 쟁기가 지나가며
Out through your cell. 너의 벽을 뚫어 무너뜨리기 전까진
That small bit heap of leaves and stubble, 저 약간의 잎새들과 잔가지들마저
Has cost you many a weary nibble! 넌 힘들게 주워 모았겠지!
Now you are turned out, for all your trouble, 그 고생에도, 이제 넌 내팽개쳐졌구나
Without house or holding, 집도 절도 없이
To endure the winter's sleety dribble, 진눈개비 쏟아지는 겨울,
And hoar-frost cold. 새하얗게 서리끼는 추위를 견디게.
But little Mouse, you are not alone, 그래도, 작은 생쥐야, 넌 혼자가 아니야,
In proving foresight may be vain: 예견이란 헛되단 사실을 증명하는 데는.
The best laid schemes of mice and men 생쥐와 인간의 최선의 계획마저도
Go often awry, 종종 꼬여 버리니까,
And leave us nothing but grief and pain, 그렇게 우리에겐 슬픔과 고통만 남기는 법이니까
For promised joy! 약속된 기쁨 대신!
Still you are blessed, compared with me! 그래도 넌 나보다 축복받았단다!
The present only touches you: 오직 현재만이 널 괴롭히니까,
But oh! I backward cast my eye, 하지만 오! 난, 시선을 뒤로 돌리면
On prospects dreary! 우울한 조망에
And forward, though I cannot see, 앞을 향하면, 볼 수조차 없단다,
I guess and fear! 추측하고 두려워 할 뿐!
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