Die Prinzen - Mein Fahrrad & Kussen Verboten
*Mein Fahrrad MV
Mein Fahrrad - My Bike (Translated by Andrew Nash, at Andy Nash Network for his Bicycle friends)
The other day I was going 120 (kph) Riding round town on my bike
And as usual I could only hope The police wouldn't catch-up to me
Because they'd give me a ticket And take me to the station
And my poor little bike Would be left all alone out front
Oh how I love my bike Although I really don't know why
To her I'll always be faithful In contrast to my wife
Never will I leave her Never will I give her away
Because we fly together on the clouds And understand each other perfectly
Every grandpa drives his Opel Every monkey drives his Ford
Every idiot drives his Porsche Every asshole drives his Audi Sport
Every crazy man drives his Manta Every complete idiot his Jaguar
Only connoisseurs are cycling And they're always faster there
My bike is surely not purple That's not my color at all
And it's certainly not brown Because I can't stand brown
No, mine is painted blue From head to toe that shade
Blue's the perfect color for me Because sometimes I'm blue too
Every grandpa drives his Opel Every monkey drives his Ford
Every idiot drives his Porsche Every asshole drives his Audi Sport
Every crazy man drives his Manta Every complete idiot his Jaguar
Only connoisseurs are cycling And they're always faster there!
* Kussen Verboten MV
Kussen Verboten - Kissing forbidden (from lyrictranslate.com)
You want to have me, since you find me handsome,
and I have to say I can understand that.
You give [me] presents, and clean the room for me,
and I think that I have it good with you.
But there's one thing that I can't stand,
your wet lips coming too close to me.
* Kissing forbidden, kissing forbidden,
kissing forbidden, strictly forbidden.
No one who has ever seen me
would believe that
kissing is not allowed with me.
Already in school, I was seven years old,
Jule was totally crazy about me.
If I went home, she followed me,
and during recess she wanted even more.
She thought she can buy me with a cheese sandwich,
and then came her wet lips on me.
* Kissing forbidden...
And last night in a dream, Tobias came through the door,
I saw big wet lips and all I could do was scream.
* Kissing forbidden...
** Deutschland MV with sub
마지막 곡인 '독일'은 통일 11주년 기념식에서도 불린 곡인데 비해 가사가 참 그렇다. 세계에서 세금을 가장 많이 낸다고 자랑하는 것 같지만, 곧 씨*놈(Asshole)인것을 자랑스러워 하고, 아랍인(Kanaken)들을 욕하며, 매년 태국에 섹스 관광을 가고, 아내보다 자동차를 더 사랑한다고 하더니, 개와 고양이에게는 친절한데 린치에 능하고 이주민 체류지에 방화도 잘하며 전쟁준비가 항상 되어 있다고 하는가 하면, 나중에는 '우리는 돼지'(Swine), 돼지들이 라고 한다. 복지가 잘 되어 있고, 독일인들을 사랑하는 관광객들에겐 최고이지만, 이주자나 이민족에 대한 적개심을 드러내놓고 표시하며, 우월주의를 자랑스럽게 여기는 독일을 비꼬는 노래이다. 그리고 나서, '우리는 여기서 나고 여기서 죽지요' 라고 노래하는 가사가 왠지 뭉클하고 멋지다.
독일이나 근방 유럽지역에 대한 이해는 별로 깊지 않지만, 전경린의 '천사는 여기 머문다' 같은 소설에 나오는 소세지 공장이 있는 마을의 모습이나, '릴리아 4에버' 같은 영화들을 보면 같은 풍경에 대해서도 매우 다른 이해의 방식들이 존재한다는 것을 쉽게 알 수 있다.
슈마허는 전설적인 현역 F-1 레이서로 전성기인 90년대에 페라리 팀에 있었다. 현재는 메르세데스 팀 소속.